Welcome to the Adam & Lindsey Ordyna Family. Adam and Lindsey recently moved to the Highlands on Wasatch Drive from the Portland area. Adam grew up in the house they just moved into and Lindsey was raised near Portland. Both loved sports in high school and Lindsey went on to play college basketball. Adam served a mission in Poland and met Lindsey at their YSA ward when he was working in Oregon after completing his accounting studies at BYU. They must have known it was meant to be when they found out they both played point guard in high school and both had the #30 on their jerseys.  They were married in 1999 and spent the last 24 years in Oregon raising their five children: Tanner (23), Conner (21), Emma (19), Jeff (17), and Izzy (12).  Jeff and Issy are still living at home. When asked what he admires most about Lindsey, Adam says, “I love her fun, loving, and outgoing nature. She’s committed to family and naturally loves others no matter what.”  Lindsey says of Adam, “I’ve always admired his accepting personality and his steady nature and dependable loyalty.  When asked a life lesson she’s learned, Lindsey responded, “Over the years I’ve watched how my parents have led with love and acceptance even during difficult times. The idea of loving others has become embedded in my heart more deeply as I’ve watched the forgiving and accepting examples of others.” Adam responded, “I think a life lesson I’ve learned is not to be so hard on ourselves and others. We’re all in this together just trying and learning and growing toward Christ, and we can support others (and ourselves) in taking different paths to get there.” Welcome home, Adam and Lindsey! We’re so glad you’re here.

3 More Block Parties Scheduled! 
Stay tuned for details.
Kent & Tracey Wilkerson have scheduled their block party for Monday, September 11, at 6:00pm at the York's front yard.
Donica Bigelow has scheduled her block party for Saturday, September 16, at 5:00pm at Brad & Cristina Richards' back yard.
Betsy Macken & Lynda Whicker have scheduled their block party for Friday, September 22, at 7:00pm at Betsy's back yard.

Breakfast at the Bowery: Celebrating America! You’re invited to a patriotic celebration this Saturday morning, Sept 9th, at the bowery from 8:00-10:00am.  Breakfast will be served with a “fly over” and candy drop for the kids.

Music and the Spoken Word. If you're looking for a little inspiration, click here are this week's Featured SongAnd here is this week's Featured Thought

"Not long into our search for happiness, we find that not all kinds of happiness are the same. Some of it is superficial. Some of it is short-lived. And then there's the kind of happiness that's deep and long-lasting. An old Chinese proverb puts it this way: If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day go fishing. If you want happiness for year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody."

A Little Highlands History. 
The present-day site of Mountain Green was the location of a historic meeting of three groups of mountain men in May 1825. Peter Skene Ogden, leading 58 trappers from the British Hudson's Bay Company, camped here on May 22, 1825. The next day, 25 American Rocky Mountain Fur Company trappers belonging to John Henry Weber's brigade arrived under the command of Johnson Gardner. Étienne Provost was also encamped in the area, with his own company of 15.

Blast from the Past: Guess who?  (Answer: Dave Jackson)


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