Happy July! Summer is here! Watch for Summer Block Parties!!

Spotlight on Marilyn Crezee! Marilyn is one of those wonderful neighbors who takes a special interest in others and is quick to offer a kind word and a smile. She was born in 1935 and raised in Liberty as the oldest of 14 children. She and her 13 siblings still get together with their descendants (around 300) on the first Saturday of June and the first Saturday of December. As a teenager, she met the love of her life, Grant Crezee, in Huntsville. Grant was driving his 1929 fire-engine-red Pontiac with wooden wheels when he passed Marilyn riding her horse. He exclaimed then and there, “I’m going to marry that girl.” Grant would drive his fancy car to the river so the wooden wheels would swell enough to ensure the tires stay on. Their first date was a movie which back then showed every Saturday night in the Huntsville Relief Society Building. In Huntsville there was also a dance floor with a juke box called “The Shack” where you could buy burgers and shakes. Marilyn’s father stopped her from seeing Grant because her dad thought she was too young. But her dad did let her go to the farewell dance where they were honoring Grant who was being sent off to war. Grant served two years in Korea and during that time Marilyn wrote him every day. He returned home and, true to his word, he married Marilyn. But Marilyn did make Grant wait a few months until she graduated from high school in 1953. Over the next several years they had three children: Lowell, Vivian, and Vanessa. Grant had an opportunity to use his G.I. bill to get trained in flooring and countertop construction which were excellent trades as linoleum and formica were new and sought-after products. In 1960 they moved to Hawaii where Grant taught the people there how to lay the new vinyl flooring products. Tragically, while they were in Hawaii their youngest child, Vanessa, was killed in an accident. Shortly afterwards they moved to California and then to Utah. They felt drawn to Mountain Green and have lived in the Highlands on Sierra Avenue for the last 50+ years. In addition to raising her children, Marilyn worked as a nursing assistant at the old Dee Hospital in Ogden. She then started her own ceramics shop in Morgan and later moved her shop to the basement of the Highlands Office. In 1993, she began teaching ceramic arts and porcelain doll-making at several senior centers in Ogden which she has been doing for the last 30 years until she recently retired. She was promoted several times, eventually becoming the Director of the South Ogden Senior Center. Her sweetheart Grant passed away in 2020, and Marilyn now spends time with her children and doing family history research. She has devoted the last decade to helping others in the community who are interested in learning how to find out more about their ancestors. We are so grateful for Marilyn and the kindness and joy she has shared with us over the last 50 years.

Caught on Camera. The Ryan & Jessica Terry family at the July 4th Parade in Morgan! 🇺🇸

Spotlight on Remi. This is Remi who lives with the Smith’s at 6348 Gordon Creek. They got her as a puppy from a friend who breeds Australian Shepherd Minis. She is three years old now. They had been thinking of fencing the back of their property to keep the wild life out of their yard, but didn’t really want to ruin the view. Then someone suggested they get a dog to do that job instead. Remi took to that job perfectly! She’s very fast and also sweet and gentle, so she never hurts any of the other animals. She just encourages them to leave. She’s very smart and learned her outside and inside boundaries right away. For example, inside she needs to stay on the tiled floors. She loves to play fetch and always tries to catch the toy mid-bounce. She’s such a loving dog, and loves to be near her family and give them kisses. She loves everyone, but understands that not everyone wants kisses, and knows to keep her distance in that case. She also knows many tricks and gives the best high-fives ever! One of the requirements for getting Remi was that her new family read the book called “Family Dog”. It sounds like it’s a good one for anyone getting a dog for the first time!

Caught on Camera. Scott Standing is running around Utah. He has a goal to do a “Fun Run” in every county in the state. So far he has run a 5K, half marathon, or some other race in 26 of 29 counties! Guess which 3 counties are left?
Blast from the Past: Guess Who? (Answer: Kim Roedel)
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